
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Islamist Nexus With Communists

Let us read how the commies are most active not in CHINA OR CUBA but in the HOLY LAND of INDIA:

Communist - Pakistani links to Attack Inside Democracies

Non Resident Indians (NRIs) started digging deep into their pockets to donate to the victims of Tsunami very promptly, quite eagerly hours after the tragedy struck. The advice from Mr James Bishop, director of humanitarian policy and practice at Washington-based InterAction - the largest alliance of US-based international and humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), sounded a cautionary note: that humanitarian tragedies have often been exploited by "certain individuals and groups that posed as legitimate charities and engaged in fraud." The Chicago-based American Institute of Philanthropy, a non-profit charity watchdog, has advised Americans to send tsunami aid "to only those charities with an established track record of helping people in this region." They added: "During a highly publicized crisis, it is common for disreputable, fly-by-night 'charities' to take advantage of the public's generosity," the institute cautioned. This sets the context for a brief examination of some of the most vocal organizations and their fund-raising efforts.

In this article, a brief history of Communists and Islamists connections and links to terrorism on global theatre, how "hot button issues" are exploited, and fronts are floated in order to garner support for such pernicious movements, and to claim wide acceptance, thereby legitimacy and the reasons why charity sector is so appealing to these anti democratic forces, are presented. The report then moves onto very briefly to Indian context of such links and patterns, and how the latest tragedy Tsunami is being exploited by the said forces, yet again, as they have done in the past. The purpose is to lay out the back drop to assist a reader to evaluate any claims these charity groups make regarding their "humanitarian" service and record. Their methods of raising funds and sympathy are put in perspective, and the implications of the recent US Patriot Act on such fund raisings are considered.

Backdrop - Bugs Bunny for genocide of Organic Carrots: For such an indictment, Bugs Bunny has to be portrayed as evil incarnate, by aligning with manure farmers and raise massive amounts of money. In this article, to be read in conjunction with Abdul's "mysteries" as well as Narayanan Komerath's works on FOIL, we will lay bare open the "bunny's involvement" in whatever affairs it is charged with. The collusion of manure farmers, collection(s) schemes to get their enterprise going, etc etc.

Premise: Linkages to Communism, Islamists, Pakistan, Charity Industry, NGOs, Fraud, Ant-Democratic movements & Terrorism

IntroductionCommunist fund-raising has gone into overdrive in the United States. If the fundraising has been vigorous, so have been the cover ups, misleading and misrepresentation that can only confound a donor. As with any argument, the article attempts to frame the context, by expanding on the premise and show that the enumerated events - historic and contemporary - provide a good degree of support to the conclusion.

The five essential ingredients for the survival and success of a terrorist organization are Credibility, Recruitment, Motivation, Funds, and Sanctuary. Like any criminal organization, terrorist groups require financial support in order to achieve their aims and objectives. In order to be successful, they must build and maintain effective credibility and financial infrastructures. This includes developing sources of funding, a means of laundering those funds, and a way to ensure that the funds can be readily used.

As an Indian-American, it was quite shocking to see the erstwhile highly esteemed outfit "Sulekha" partnering up with a well-known Marxist Communist front organization Association for India's Development (AID), as its way of responding to the recent tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean.

Predictably, this effort has raised many questions of ethics, both about the nature of the tactics used, as well as the fascinating attempt by the AID to deny their well-known ties to the Communist Party of India (Marxist), and its most rabidly violent offshoots such as the CPI (Marxist/Leninist) and the CPI (Marxist/Leninist/Maoist), a.k.a. "Naxalites" and "People's War Group". It appears that we are seeing the manifestation of Karl Marx's prediction:

"The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them".

Here the only difference is that we are happily donating, and its AK_47s and explosives, rather than rope that is preferred by Marx's followers today.

Even as AID's associates in India applaud the funding coming from their mother ship AID, it blithely denies its ties to Naxalite terrorism and Communist Party of India (Marxist) political outfits, convenient alliances with Islamist terrorists. Following the Al Qaeda example from Pakistan, these outfits morph and mutate using an elaborate network of camouflaged names and academic covers to conceal their agenda. Some of the visible linkages of these organizations are then summarized to buttress the premise of the argument.

Association for India's Development (AID) and its associates have kicked off two major campaigns in US. First, a campaign to partner with reputable groups and corporations (UNICEF & Microsoft: for example) that are already on list of charities that individuals, and employees could contribute (under the government's payroll deduction program). Secondly, as the competition has got tougher due to their widely known ill repute for outright, blatant lying and misleading donors, they are yet again resorting to smear campaign of other charity organizations. It is this second campaign that donors have to carefully research and judge these groups' actions and agendas and not their glittery propaganda material and emotional pleas appealing to the hearts, minds and souls of naïve contributors.

Immediately following the devastating tsunami of December 26, 2004, the Forum of Inquilabi (Revolutionary) Leftists (FOIL; mutated from Forum of "Indian" Leftists of 2002) launched a bitter pre-emptive attack against the most successful and best-reputed of Indian-American charities - the India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF) and SEWA International. The IDRF and SEWA went into action within 90 minutes of the tsunami tragedy, delivering aid immediately to volunteers saving survivors and extricating victims. This was clearly anathema to the Communists. As Komerath observes dryly, the Communists and their Pakistani friends made a rare foray into honesty when they acknowledged the effectiveness of IDRF and SEWA, but then their Marxist nature showed when they made the interesting claim that such fast, effective grassroots response and relief efforts lead to "unequal distribution" of aid(!!)

This time around, the attack was an attempt to revive their failed 2002 attack, which had ended in the FOIL and its agenda being exposed and ridiculed. The theme of the attack is very interesting, in that, it exhorts the donors to summarily reject organizations whose members may be suspected of voting for political parties opposed to the Communists. Instead, the FOIL provides a list of approved non governmental organizations (NGOs) which are "secular groups with a long-standing commitment to the pluralistic ethos and democratic ideals of India."

Even as they attack genuine charitable fundraising by those who do not believe in the totalitarian ideas of the Communists and Islamists/Pakistanis, these outfits pose as "non-sectarian" and "inclusive" fronts, cynically exploiting the best of human compassion to divert funding to their long-term agendas of destroying the world's democracies.

The list is given in Table 1 below: no prizes for guessing which organization topped the list - AID. The exhibit below is "A partial list of non-sectarian, grassroots groups involved in relief operations" certified by the Communists' "CSFH", per email sent by the FOIL's "Ra" Ravishankar from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1. AID - Association for India's Development 6. Indians for Collective Action
2. American India Foundation 7. Pratham
3. ASHA For Education 8. Singh Foundation
4. India Literacy Project 9. Vibha
5. India Relief and Education Fund
These groups are partnering with various mass-based organizations and NGOs in India,
such as the Tamil Nadu Science Forum, the National Fishworkers Forum, Vidyarambam,
APVVU (agricultural workers' union in AP), People's Watch, Bharathi Trust and Bhoomika Trust.
Table 1: Revolutionaries' Approved List of Charity Groups

The interesting thing about the above list is that there are a couple of decent organizations
listed for effect - mixed with a list of the FOIL's own "charities" that fit the descriptions
in Mr. Bishop's warnings.

Connecting the Bloody Dots with Lines - Modus Operandi & The Players

To the extent that a consensus definition of terrorism exists, it may be described as the deliberate killing of civilians in order to pursue a claimed lofty political goal through exertion of pressure on a society. The literature is rife with other definitions, but their core comes down to this: murderous attacks on civilians for political purposes. Similarly communism's core philosophy and actions, comes down to this: murder and mayhem unleashed on a society while sweet talking to it with one and only one purpose: To bring the society on its knees, so that communists can achieve their political purposes.

Terrorist movements have rarely succeeded by perpetrating mindless violence and chaos alone. And when they succeeded, it was only after and by bringing a superior power to the bargaining table. To perpetuate and replicate successful revolutions worldwide, the movement's leaders to be on the right side of history, they have always cleansed their past - Hence, Rewriting History is a massive industry for communists.

Thus, there is a life cycle to successful terrorist movements. They begin with weak actions and usually condemned by responsible authorities. If they represent (or perceived to) a serious and widely shared grievance, the movement may grow stronger, more effective, lethal, to a point where condemnation does not just work. At this precipice, that very effectiveness of a managed revolution and violence can turn condemnation into reluctant acceptance of the "grievance" by states, nations or mainstream society, and acquiesce to be a negotiating partner with terrorists. The terrorists then have won a place at the table by the classic means any player ever has in politics: by demonstrating the capacity to exert force and influence over the will of a society and opinion makers.

The leftist, and the so-called liberal groups of India have been indulging and demonstrating their success in promoting the ingredients needed for successful terrorism. Firstly, "altering past and/or create new future that suits their ideological moorings" and secondly, "kindling various social engineering efforts" to turn the various members of the society against one another; in a text book case of class warfare - Enter the players - Public Credible Faces: Human Right advocates, Charity/Social workers, Intellectuals, Historians, NGOs etc. Behind the scenes Enforcers: Criminals & Thugs, foot Soldiers, Party Cadre and Homicidal Jehadis. If these are the lines, the dots are Communists & Islamists.

Modern terrorism was born within a year, after communism started falling, Islamists stepped in, and simultaneously the International Socialists (Communists) started the trend all over the world. National socialists followed suit, turning Marxists of Muslim origin into Islamists of Marxist origin. The vast differences in the origins of root causes notwithstanding, today, they have become inseparable parts with common causes. Another common thing between them is unleashing violence at the drop of a hat that forms the backbone of these two groups, euphemistically known as grass root workers.

Based on an ideology of militant atheism, Communism holds all religion to be an "opiate" that drugs and subdues the proletariat -- that is, the working class. Their slogan is "Workers of the World, Unite! You have Nothing to Lose But Your Chains!" In practice however Communism has always resulted in oppression, persecution, and slaughter of religious believers, including Muslims. Indeed, the main persecution of Muslims today continues to be found in Communist China and in the so-called independent -- but still Communist-dominated -- republics of the "former" Soviet Union. Both in principle and practice, Islam and Communism should be mortal enemies. However, democratic, pluralistic societies offering the rights of free expression and worship are anathema to both Communists and Islamists, and hence they have formed a marriage of convenience against the democracies of the world.

Using the most ruthless measures, Bolsheviks established control over the Islamic peoples of the czarist empire, but they found it difficult to export their atheist creed elsewhere amongst the Muslim populations. Historian Franz Borkenau, in his work "World Communism" of 1939, records what happened when the Turkish Communists returned home following the 1920 Communist "congress of the oppressed peoples of the East" in Baku: "They were stoned by the population in every village they passed through, finally arrested, tortured, and thrown into the sea."

Likewise, Borkenau noted, "the communist parties of Syria, Palestine, and Egypt never prospered. The movement in those countries was essentially religious and racial and in both respects the communists could not compete with the local priesthood and the local feudals." Thus the COMINTERN (Communist International) pragmatically oriented its program and morphed its ideology in the Muslim countries to "anti-colonialism" and "anti-imperialism" and "allied itself with all anti-French and anti-English forces, of whatever social description." Exactly two decades after Borkenau wrote those lines, the communists had succeeded in penetrating those same countries and movements. The continuing trend is to wear the cloak of "Anti-colonialism", "Peace Movements", "Anti-Globalization", "Anti-India, US, Israel Hegemony", while subverting democracies from within.

The Communist movement took over China soon after liberation from Japanese occupation. The new Communist regime promptly went about its expansionist agenda, getting its proxy, the North Korean communists, to invade South Korea. In 3 years, the Korean war killed well over 2 million people. Over 50,000 Americans and other UN soldiers died stopping the invasion. Within a decade, the Chinese invaded the ancient nation of Tibet, and followed up with an attack on northern India in 1962. Hundreds of Indian soldiers died in the war. Later, the PRC pumped resources into Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in what became the Vietnam War - where another 55,000 Americans died trying in vain to stop the Communist takeover of Vietnam.

Not that the Communists were kind to the countries that they ruled. Over 10 million people are estimated to have died in the various "purges" and other genocides that were conducted in what became the Soviet Union, and entire populations were uprooted and dumped in the slave camps of Siberia. In the gentle nation of Cambodia, over a million people were murdered by the brutal Communist regime of Pol Pot, which decided to perform the social experiment of erasing all social structure, and returning everyone to "equality" (a state of being slaves with no possessions or rights) - implementing the theories from doctoral theses done under equally rapid faculty advisors at universities in France. In the "People's Republic" of China, the "Red Guards" conducted a broader, though less intense (they did not kill as high a percentage) campaign to "re-educate" the population. In all, over 20 million people are conservatively estimated to have suffered violent death, or death by starvation in slave camps, at the hands of the Communists in what was considered to be "peace time".

Most of this killing was done after the communists attained power - the victims were unarmed civilians.

While the goals and methods might vary from situation and geographical settings, the overt and overall purpose is: ingratiating themselves with larger sections of the society, and position them in an advantageous position to carry out their agenda. This however is a social progress's obstructionism agenda with an anti-establishment message and a "humanitarian" face.

Ultimately the purposes of all the mindless violence, lies and deception, spreading anarchism around the world, selling dreams, is for spreading "Ideology" and attain hegemony by accusing others of the very thing they want in their utopian world.

Spreading the Ideology

Classical Marxists view society as an edifice with economy as the base, upon which sits a structure of political, civil and cultural institutions and belief systems. Thus the economy as the foundation of a society, it determines people's behavior and thinking in their respective political and cultural spheres. Gramsci held the view that the ideas and symbols of the ruling ideology are just as powerful and determining as the economy. He defined hegemony as the process by which the dominant classes or class fractions, through their privileged access to social institutions (such as the media), propagate values that reinforce their control over politics and the economy. These values form a dominant ideology. The dominant ideology in any society is a set of common sense assumptions that legitimates the existing distribution of power. Ideology makes this structure of power seem "natural," "normal," or "inevitable," and therefore beyond challenge. He noted that political power in liberal democracies is exercised not through government use of force but through a dominant world-view, or ideology. This commonly-held set of ideas and symbols legitimates existing rulers, helping them to win the citizens' consent, or at least acquiescence. Through ideology, ruling groups attempt to universalize their own interests as the interests of all. The creation and spread of ideology is a very complex process. Cultural institutions play a key role in perpetuating aspects of the dominant worldview. These include the family, religious organizations, universities, and the mass media, among others. The same outlets, with the merger of Islamists & Marxists goals, also happen to be conduit for terrorist fundraisers, galas and social networking events for promotional campaigns to put a "respectable" face on an otherwise dubious personality.

"Long-standing commitment to the pluralistic ethos and democratic ideals of India" - Communist & Secular Style

India is perhaps unique in that political parties with fairly extreme communist "revolution" agendas have been elected in democratic elections, and have been constrained not only to govern through the constitutional machinery, and schedule elections regularly. This has not prevented these parties from conserving their violent resources and philosophy - so that one sees simultaneously, for instance in West Bengal and Kerala, a Marxist "Left Democratic Front" in power, and extreme "violent revolution" types terrorizing the villages and killing policemen. Thus they continue their "class warfare" at the grassroots level, while being the ruling class in the state capital.

India has not yet seen a Communist takeover in New Delhi. State governments have been dominated by Communist parties many times since Independence - but these governments were always compelled to rule by the Constitution - under threat of being dismissed by the Governor under the President's orders. Not that the Communists have not been dreaming of the takeover. In Communist-ruled West Bengal, students taking the State-administered exams had to write a mandatory essay on the following topic [1]

"Lal kile par lal nishaan Maang raha hai Hindustan".
(The Red Flag Over the Red Fort - Requests Hindustan)
Until such a happy dawn awakens, The Party makes do. Its more "moderate" legislative forms context elections and sit in councils of democratic lawmakers. The cadres ensure that the proletariat dutifully votes en masse - the most disciplined and dependable voters in India, and the most disciplined participants in mass meetings and demonstrations.

The intellectual underpinnings are provided by a very strong presence in the government-run universities. For instance, the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi is considered one of the strongest centers of Marxist thought. Over the years, the place has been purged of nearly everyone who does not agree with the people's line of thought, and new entrants are carefully vetted.

These institutions dominate the production of English language journalists. The major newspapers have been gradually taken over by people with the proper leftist thinking. An example is N. Ram, a graduate of Columbia University, New York, runs "The Hindu" and its subsidiaries such as "Frontline" and "Outlook".

Other activities are delegated to other, distinct entities: the CPI (Marxist/Leninist), CPI (Marxist/Leninist/Maoist), CPI (Maoist). These provide deniability for the unrestricted violence. The common philosophy and indoctrination comes through organizations such as the Student Federation of India (SFI), Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) and the various trade organizations such as All-India Trade Union Congress (AITUC), and assorted other "grassroots" organizations.

The Class Struggle in its most basic form is of course going strong. The Naxalites associated with CPI (M/L) keep themselves in practice by beheading the "kulaks" (farmers who have scraped their way up to one level above abject poverty) in the best traditions of the Bolsheviks. The "People's War Group" conducts "People's trials" and puts out Death Sentences on elected officials and policemen - and do their best to carry them out.

New groups and coalitions spring up almost every day. This is the part and parcel of a united front strategy in creating the perception of popular support and that the movement is far larger than it really is. The important fact to keep in mind is that all of the massive agitations and antics are really the work of a relatively small number of full-time professional cadres tied together in a global revolutionary network. With promotional help from celebrities, favorable coverage from the major media, and funding from corporate and foundation sources, and by exploiting volatile, hot-button issues, they have continued to produce some seemingly spontaneous, impressive spectacles and succeeded in obstructing productive growth. The end result - discontent among common people creating easy targets for recruitment, after all prosperous and productive communities do not have an incentive to pursue a career in anarchy.

The revolutionaries leading this network are rebuilding the mass protest movement of the 1960s, recruiting new youth cadres. They are following the formula they have honed so well: organize, mobilize, radicalize, and militarize. You can expect that their demonstrations will become more overtly radical, embracing more militant Marxist themes. Marxists expect, nay hope for, these demonstrations escalate in violence. This, in turn, will lead to calls for more police-state measures, thereby destroying very civil and legal safeguards of any democratic society, and push a society closer to the kind of socialist, totalitarian regimes that the movement leaders so ardently admire. Ultimately the agenda for all these is to create an environment suited for communism.

The "Axes of Evil" against Democracies

Louis Budenz, over 50 years ago in his book, "The Cry Is Peace", has exposed the worldwide "peace movement". He was a former top Communist official Budenz and a member of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). He was also the managing editor of its newspaper, the Daily Worker. In his expose, he gave detailed information on the creation of the Soviet-directed World Peace Council (WPC) and the ways in which it networked with other "peace" organizations to further world Marxist-Leninist objectives. As Budenz explained, the real "peace" that the hidden leaders of this movement worked for was the absence of opposition to Communism.

A 1978 report on the WPC by the House Intelligence Committee noted that WPC President Romesh Chandra who was also a central committee member of the Communist Party of India was under the direction of the International Department of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee, which "stands firmly over the KGB for clandestine political activities"[2].

It will surprise many to learn that WPC that was funded with millions of dollars by the soviet strategists, is still alive and many of the same Communist leaders who have served in its ranks for decades continue functioning.

In fact, the WPC is responsible for the worldwide demonstrations against "globalization" over the past few years. The WPC and its global Communist Party networks are the only force capable of providing the organization, experience, leadership, grassroots human resources, and funding to stage such series of simultaneous massive demonstrations in hundreds of cities worldwide.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the outward conversion of the People's Republic of China's to a market economy (mostly run by the People's Liberation Army) the Communists suffered a serious relevance problem - severely compounded by a financing problem. They did not stay dismayed for long. Though the KGB and the COMINTERN could no longer afford to be generous to their friends, other funding sources appeared. The PRC was flush with cash - a $40B annual trade surplus with the US. The Ummah was becoming extremely angry at the growing nexus between the hated Yankees, Yindoos and Yehudis, but they had not the polished skills and the extensive academic presence that the Marxists enjoyed.

It was the perfect match. Ummah money, routed through the well-entrenched financing networks of the Pakistani ISI, and the intellectual skills and academic connections of the Marxists - with the funding cover of the now-perfectly-respectable People's Republic of China (PRC). Pakistan's uneasiness and discomfiture with India, US and Israel coming together and its concerns is perhaps best captured by Muqtedar Khan in Foreign Policy in Focus commentary [3] and his work on "The Pakistan Squeeze" [4].

The enemy for the Marxists ofcourse is - India, US [5], Israel and all democracies. The YYY (Yindoo, Yankee, Yehudi) axis suited both the Ummah and the Marxists as the common enemy. Lacking conventional arms parity, the Ummah-Marxists had no trouble choosing their traditional means of combat: killing civilians in international terrorism. On Sharon's visit to India, he was greeted with very vocal protests by both Communists and Islamists. "Syed Ahmed Bukhari, the chief cleric, said Mr Sharon's visit was a black day for India's democracy. Condemning the Hindu nationalist-led government for inviting Mr Sharon, Mr Bukhari said: "The misfortune for this country is that it is being governed by those elements that not only are inimical to Islam but also are the enemies of humanity." While communists participation was reported thus "A massive protest was organised on Sep 9 by various Left and democratic organisations, including CPI(ML), CPI, CPI(M), RSP, Forward Block, Janata Dal (S) and many other left organisations and democratic personalities, in New Delhi, which was participated by nearly a thousand protesters who loudly chanting slogan "BUTCHER SHARON GO BACK" and "Down with India-Israel-US Axis"" [6][7].

This new-found alliance against humanity proceeded to organize with the vast experience that both entities have acquired over the years in subversive activities. This elite group has every incentive and motive to exploit charity industry [8][9]. Let's now look at the Patriot Act briefly and how the money laundering is done and the fronts for such fund raising groups.

The Patriot Act

President George W. Bush issued an executive order in 2001 that banned charities from funding any organization or person linked to terrorism by the U.S. government. The Patriot Act, a complex and evolving set of laws, mandates financial institutions to check their clients against watch lists or face criminal penalties [10]. And finally, a set of wide-ranging guidelines the Treasury Department issued to charities in late 2002 recommends checking grant recipients, their personnel and subcontractors.

In the post September 11th world, Bush Administration dedicated resources to existing and newly created federal entities that are and would be responsible for enforcing laws and for waging the financial war on terrorism.

The new enhanced legal and structural arsenal contains multiple means by which the U.S. government, as well as citizens injured by activities of foreign terrorists, can pursue economic or criminal sanctions against terrorists and their private sponsors, including individuals, as well as foreign nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), domestic charitable organizations, and their governing bodies.

In light of such new laws proposed, there have been legitimate concerns about efficacy of the same, as they may have the unfortunate and unintentional consequence of significantly reducing resources committed to legitimate global philanthropy. Thus, preventive measures were felt are essential to minimize the potential negative consequences of the government's financial war on terrorism, and hence it is an evolving set of laws.

To guard against exposure to liability, donors and leaders of domestic charitable organizations must carry out sufficient due diligence. This is especially true to avoid funneling or skimming of funds from such legitimate sources as profits from small businesses and charitable donations to domestic [section] 501(c) (3) organizations and large international NGOs.

However, the government has the authority to take action, legally, against an individual's violation of either of these criminal offenses to impose a civil penalty on a domestic entity, including a [section] 501(c) (3) organization - "if the perpetrator was responsible for the management or control of that entity and committed the offense in that capacity".

"The government can also bring charges on crimes that include the offenses of providing material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization, or intentionally or knowingly collecting or providing funds for use in carrying out terrorist activities, as well as money laundering. Congress can suspend the tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.) [section] 501(a) of an organization that is identified or designated as a terrorist organization. "

Foundations and charities thus, in a new world, are responding to three government directives, all stemming from the attacks, to ensure none of the money raised is funneled into undesirable organizations and more specifically to a terrorist organization [11][12].

For a complete and comprehensive report on implications of Patriot act, and how it was enacted against "Global Relief Foundation, Inc, "The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development ", and "Benevolence International Foundation, Inc.", refer to [13].

Charities, Non-Profit/Non-Governmental Orgs & Money Laundering

Criminals launder money to thwart investigations, reduce the possibility of prosecution, and conceal the proceeds of their criminal operations from the reach of investigators, regulatory regimes, courts, and tax authorities. The money laundering process consists of:

* Placement - Physically placing illegally obtained funds into the financial system or the retail economy;
* Layering - Separating illegally obtained money from its source by a series of financial transactions to make it difficult to trace the money back to its original source;
* Integration - Moving the proceeds into a seemingly legitimate form, e.g., purchase of securitized assets, automobiles, businesses, real estate, and whatnot;
* Avoiding Paper Trail - The paper trail links the above three steps. Paper trail avoidance circumvents record keeping, detection, and reporting requirements.

The charitable sector is a vital component of the world economy and of many national economies and social systems that supply a broad-spectrum of public services, thereby improving the quality of life. Numerous instances have come to light, in which the collection of money from donors, and its distribution of funds to charitable purposes, has been used to provide cover for the financing of terrorism. In some cases, the charity itself has been a sham that existed solely to funnel money to terrorists. In other cases, the donors, and even the members of the management and staff of the charity, due to inept management practices and employee malfeasance, saw the diversion of funds for criminal purposes and terrorist groups. Without "Best Practices"-based controls management processes-in-force, a charity opens itself up to the potential for such abuses and to loss of integrity and public trust.

Charity is supposed to be a vehicle for samaritanism, without an agenda, without politics, only for the purpose of truly helping those who need it and without expecting anything in return.
Charities typically rely on a network of volunteers and underpaid foot soldiers often unaware of the ideological moorings of the charity managers and directors. Money pours in, usually out of donors' moral obligations, compulsions or out of plain goodness of heart, but are we sure that the person or groups associated with charities are known to be true samaritans and social workers. It is an open secret that some charity establishments have been exposed and prosecuted for fraud and embezzling.

The charity industry is enormous. Just how big is it? Recent estimates peg it, despite the state of economy downturn, at $184 billion globally. All charity contributions, including foundation and corporate contributions and bequests, totaled $241 billion. Currently there are no independent charity watchdog groups that follow up on the charity groups' claims, and validate them. They usually react only after they receive complaints, and even if they do, it is impossible to know the actions of the watchdog groups as a consequence. If there were any such charity raters that actually guide donor decisions, that alone could shift income in the nonprofit sector massively. And if they increased the confidence of donors by making charities more accountable that could further increase total giving and associated revenue in charity industry. The charitable sector has grown at more than double the pace of its for-profit counterpart. The total number of public charities, foundations, religious congregations, and other groups has grown from 739,000 organizations in 1977 to an estimated 1.4 million organizations today. Small organizations (those with less than $5,000 in annual revenues) are not required to register with the IRS and, if counted, would increase the number of nonprofits even more. This is a sector with expenditures of over $875 billion each year employing 11.7 million workers, roughly 9 percent of the workforce in US.

As groups in the charity industry come close to the people, that are dispossessed, disillusioned, and indigent, it creates an ideal and conducive vehicle for propaganda and for recruiting personnel to any cause put forth by the charity. Post 9/11, charities have been increasingly coming under scrutiny and are in the bind because regulators worldwide have long been concerned that non-governmental organizations offer a convenient conduit for funding violence. Financial scrutiny is not always what it could be, and the trust-based nature of charitable work means that it is possible to hide funding for terror inside financial flows used for entirely genuine aid and assistance. There is no denying that there is a systemic vulnerability and abuse that allows money to move through charities freely, making them a tremendous funding mechanism.

The singular attraction in charity business is that its accounting rules are very lax, compared to even non-profit groups. For example, a charity collected nearly $17 million from the public. It spent over $5 million to raise that amount. Thus only 68 cents of every dollar raised actually made it to the needy. But to make the operation look more efficient, the charity reported it raised only $14.6 million and spent only $2 million on fundraising. Through bookkeeping magic, the group's ratio of charitable spending to total expenses suddenly jumped from 66% to 76%. That higher ratio looks better when hitting up potential donors for contributions. Charities are subject to vaguest rules in the book. For a potential and/or an existing donor, starting point to avoid any charity scam is at [14].

Another rule of thumb is to avoid any non-profit group that has corporate backing. For one thing, one avoids assisting "building a brand" for the corporation, and more importantly if the charity skims off the top of matching funds, one would not be any wiser. The skimmed off money enters the "laundering zone". For example: Say an account was linked a charity that was being used as a "front" to accept fraudulent donations on behalf of a terrorist organization. The fraud scheme targeted a particular government's program, whereby it provides matching funds to charities in an amount equivalent to x% of donations received. Matching funds were being claimed by the charity, while the original, but temporary, donations were being returned to the donors, should there be an investigation. Effectively, no donations had actually been given to the charity, though the charity retained the matching funds. This results in skimmed money that was fraudulently obtained in matching contributions that can later be moved to an institution where the donor did not intend to donate to.

After 9/11, the US Patriot Act extended pre-existing due-diligence and anti money laundering responsibility of financial institutions to include monitoring for terrorist financing schemes.

It has been estimated by the Monitoring Committee of the UN Security Council ("UNSC"), which monitors the implementation of the UNSC Resolution No. 1373 ("Wide- Ranging Anti-Terrorism Resolution that calls for Suppressing Terrorist Financing and Improving International cooperation") that despite the freezing/seizure of terrorist funds and other terrorist assets since 9/11, worth in excess of $112 million, Al Qaeda and its allies in the International Islamic Front still have in excess of $300 million. So, the terrorists do not as yet feel any shortage of funds for any of their activities, whether for funding "underground" acts of terrorism or "over ground" payment of political support to their backers.

Any counter-terrorism strategy, in order to be successful, has to focus on depriving terrorist organizations of as many of the four ingredients as possible, if not all of them. Identification of the sources of funding and the means employed for its transmission, as well as, operating procedures to choke-off the flow of funds from the sources, to the terrorists and from the terrorists to their recruits, remains among the highest priorities. [15][16]

Fronts for Terrorist Fundraising

This irony is lost upon the vast numbers of well-meaning, liberal people in India and elsewhere, who confuse the grassroots propaganda with any real intent to implement practical reforms and development. We see this confusion exploited cynically by the extreme left, both in India and the US, through a whole cascade of front organizations who are in a permanent state of manufacturing consensus and creating credibility games with the ultimate goal - persuading a society and willingly submit themselves to communist agenda. We can generalize at least four distinct levels or layers of front-organizations - willingly or unwillingly complicit:

* "Defenders of the Human Rights".
* "Campus Café Messiahs to Save the Humanity & Anti-War movements"
* "Guitar-Strumming Academic Intellectuals"
* "Tear-Jerker Media Stars"

While the goals and methods might vary from situation and geographical settings, the overt and overall purpose is: ingratiating themselves with larger sections of the society, and positioning themselves in an advantageous position to carry out their agenda. The fundamental agenda however is obstructionism with an anti-establishment message, a "humanitarian" face, and an extremely cynical, corrupt and sadistically violent reality behind it. The mention of violent reality brings out another enigma: Peace movements and involvement of Communists, Islamists (The usual suspects) in the world wide peace movement. The irony here is wherever these peace movements were successful, the "peace" of the millions of their victims' graves followed.

Be that as it may, these fronts are extremely useful for communists and Islamists, especially in open societies and democracies. In addition to their classical disinformation tactic - propaganda- they also actively support insurgencies. This sort of propaganda usually works in their favor, as cost-benefit ratio falls in favor of the perpetrator of propaganda and deception - asymmetric warfare. Ultimately the goal is to reach the decision makers and policy makers. All the above four categories give one a splendid aura of respectability and visibility in any open society to their superficial and said beliefs, as it jives with any a human being's sincere desires, and wishes concerning humanity. It is all about winning "hearts and minds" of people!.

Peeling the Green & Red Onion Bulbs

With a lot of ground covered until now - Charities, Dots & Lines, Main Players & Motivations, Let us now unravel one Organization's links, or tentacles and follow wherever it may lead one, The following section, as peeling an onion, layer by layer presents: Connections to ISI/Communist/Maoist groups, acts of violence, and foreign funding issues with the said agencies. Delving deep into any of the above is really beyond the scope of this article, and future articles may dig deeper into each aspect. Now that the links between terrorists, strong arm tactics and gratuitous violence of communists, and relief agencies are firmly established, it behooves to take a quick look at some of their funding sources and issues as well.

With that as a brief backgrounder to this section, let the pointers to sanity and truth quickly unfurl layer by layer.

The Big AID Onion Bulb

Fast forward, December 2004, post Tsunami, the entire world-governments, NGOs, charities and individuals moved to contribute to the massive relief efforts that are under way. An organization called AID has been very active in fundraising in the US. Early on, they formed an alliance with the Indian-American portal, "", to collect funds [17].

AID which believes that it not only invented charity work and integrity, but holds the patent, has decided once again to besmirch other charity groups that do not have Marxist leanings. The ideologies and leaders of AID and its Siamese twin ASHA are strongly leftist with pro-Marxist and pro-Communist loyalties. Both AID and ASHA work closely with the Forum of Indian Leftists (FOIL) and arrange numerous political events together.

ASHA's founder and chairman, Sandeep Pandey labeled the United States the "biggest terrorist state" in the world. Mr. Pandey went on the record defending Osama Bin Laden and provocatively asking the assembled audience at his lecture circuits with "and what proof do they (the US Government) have that its Osama bin Laden who was behind the 9/11 attacks?" Suffice to say that these groups are constant fixtures in speaking circuits across the US and rabidly espouse "anti-hindu, anti-semitic, and anti-U.S" stance(s). A closer look at all the AID (and their ilk) involvements and activities in the past few years will reveal that most of them are with communist affiliated NGOs. Further a quick glance at the speaker list and/or the agenda for any AID conference or event in the US will confirm the communist links.

Why "AIDINDIA" is not "AID (India)"

There is an organization called AID (Alternative for India's Development) in India, headquartered in Chennai. By all accounts, this is a large organization that does grassroots social work. However, they are neither as sophisticated nor as well-funded as the Communists. They thus became targets for a typical Communist takeover.

In 1999, "site visitors" from America started arriving at projects run by AID(India) in Bihar. AID (India) had submitted a proposal to the US-based ASHA for Education, run by Dr. & Mrs. Sandeep Pandey. Confusing? Well, then what is AID exactly? Let us begin with the familiar poster children for AID/ASHA and such groups.

Tear Jerker Stars/Academic Intellectuals/Human Rights defenders

A stink by any name or form, still stinks the same. Depending on the opportunities that present themselves and where the "moolah" is, the cheerleader of AID and its ilk, wear an appropriate hat - Peace Activists, Anti-Nuclear activists in addition to the four main categories identified above.

AID was adopted early on by infamous tear-jerker author (of "God of Small Things" fame) and the winner of Booker Award Ms. Arundhati Roy [18][19][20]. Ms. Roy teamed up with Ms. Medha Patkar of the "Narmada Bacchao Andolan" (NBA, "Front to Save the Narmada River"), agitating on behalf of the villagers who would be displaced by the catchement area of the Sardar Sarovar Dam (SSD). The SSD was a beacon of hope for millions of residents in utterly parched Kutch in Gujarat, where evolving river delta patterns have left villagers, who formerly survived on subsistence agriculture, with almost no water. Women in those areas must walk miles in the merciless sun to get water and return with as much as they can carry on their heads. 20th century India tried to alleviate this misery with the SSD project, which had World Bank funding. The NBA's agitation - a classic case of peace activists' and environmentalists' obstruction advocacy - and their loud representations delayed the project and forced the World Bank to withdraw funding. India eventually completed the project last year, and there were scenes of tearful joy in the villages where the centuries of misery finally looked to be ending as fresh water flowed down the canals and pipes. Let's face it, after all, by her own admission Arundhati Roy is not a patriot at all [21]

What was AID's role in NBA? Was it "development" or political agitation and obstruction? We will leave it to the reader to think about that. Today, Ms. Roy has long-since lost interest in the displaced villagers of the catchment areas.

Now, for Ms. Roy's own dedication to the environment, wildlife, etc. News reports in 2003 described [21] how she and her husband had occupied the new bungalow they had built, illegally, on an illegally-cleared hilltop in a national Tiger Preserve - presumably with the connivance of their political friends who were then in power in Chattisgarh state. The courts had issued summons to them. Ms. Roy refused comment on the issue.

Another of AID's early and present proponents is Mr. Praful Bidwai, a well-known communist columnist. They are of the same opinions as Dr. Sandeep Pandey, the creator of another such Designer Charity, "ASHA for Education".

Yet all these are Intellectuals and progressives! The rhetoric of these intellectuals' radicalism is one of the most potent forces in Indian society today, yet it is essentially anti-intellectual. Perhaps its most damaging effect is the way it manages to sell the idea that ill-conceived and destructive initiatives are automatic examples of progress, and all who resist them are reactionaries or fascists. The rhetoric of radicalism permeates so much of contemporary thought, literature and dialectic, that people have become inured to their essential intellectual dishonesty. Much of their rhetoric can be traced back to a number of lies and distortions, many of which have largely become hidden from view by the verbiage which has been constructed upon the framework of their basic fallacies, supported by their academic "intellectual" peers, funding foundations, Pakistani Puppet Masters etc.

With the layers of onion peeled off, one can now take a peek at the innards of this AID onion bulb.

AID's Real Business

AID is very active - in political agitation. As seen above, there is no lack of funds being diverted to such activities, either by the local chapters or Headquarters. While soul mate communists do mildly criticize each other, it is just posturing and perhaps a friendly competition for foreign funds. However when it comes to putting up a global fight against democracies, they do put up a unified front. Of the collected funds, the 80% that might be allowed to be sent for "programs and activities" is a maximum. Beside the minimum of 20% skimmed off the top, what are the "projects and activities" that needs such funds?. Some examples of their usage of funding for noble causes:

* From "The Rally" [22] "About seven of us, from organizations such as FOIL (Forum of Indian Leftists), ASHA for Education-DC, and AID (Association for India's Development) met, finalized a date for a peace rally and a meeting with the ambassador, made posters and agreed on the text of a petition. We mobilized every media outlet at our means, including local desi newspapers; publicized the petition on the internet; and distributed flyers at public events, including desi film screenings. Three days later, the petition denouncing the state's complicity and inaction had been signed by 600 signatories.".." "We have held three meetings, with the objective of creating a loose and broad-based coalition of groups such as FOIL, AID, AAA (Aligarh Alumni Association), Association of Indian Muslims of America, ASHA for Education, and concerned individuals."

They helped agitate against the government [23]:

* "Ani, Priya, and others within AID who designed the fax action at such short notice and kept it running so smoothly; and all the AID, SAPAC, FOIL, Global Response and SfB members who participated in the embassy protests, the relay fast, and the fax action." "…the 2700 or so supporters mobilized by Association for India's Development".

In June 2003, AID sent several members to attend the First Annual Convention of the Indian Muslim Council (IMC) at the $180+tax per night Marriott hotel in Santa Clara, California. They gathered to curse India, and applaud as Khalistan terrorists argued for the dismemberment and balkanization of India. Another pet theme for AIDish rogue groups is Attacking India daily, and example illustrates the fact [24].

* "For the San Francisco Bay Area: Dear friends: We call upon the members of AID, ASHA, FOIL and all peace-loving, democratic people to come to a Rally: Monday, January 7, 2002, 11 a.m.-noon, Indian Consulate, 540 Arguello Boulevard(near Geary) San Francisco, CA 94118. Click here for Directions: We will also present a NO-WAR petition to the Indian Consulate with at least 50 signatures: Similar public rallies took place in Montreal and Vancouver last week, organized jointly by CERAS and the Montreal chapter of INSAF, and SANSAD respectively. … The December 13 attack on India's parliament building was an utterly deplorable and condemnable act. But shunning all viable options to cope with the situation, the belligerent Indian government instantly declared Pakistan responsible for it, and did not waste a moment to call for a war. Arbitrarily it cancelled the bus and train journeys between the two countries. …. In Solidarity, On behalf of the volunteers, Akhila Raman"

FOIL, has now been resurrected in a new avatar and it now stresses on the red wet dream - "Revolution".

* "During Fall 2003, yet another discussion on the prospect of a name change on the FOIL list - one that would exchange the 'Indian' in FOIL for something that better represented the breadth of our membership and the scope of our activities - spurred the resuscitation of Ghadar. During the debate several veteran FOIL-ers voiced the reservation that while a change in name was important for FOIL to resolve, another more important issue was how to reactivate the several FOIL projects that were languishing for various reasons. This conversation - which ultimately resulted in the switch to FOIL as the Forum of Inquilabi Leftists - fired many of us up to take on the projects in question. One of these was Ghadar."

AID and IMC co-organized meetings at University of Maryland, College Park, addressed by Marxist historian Romila Thapar who scoffed at the "so-called" Hindu identity which was "concocted" and "artificial". Thapar stated that "There is in reality no such thing as Hinduism." She claimed that there was never any "Hindu culture" nor were there any Hindus. There were only disparate linguistic groups like Punjabis, Gujaratis, Bengalis and Tamils and only castes like Brahmins, Banias, Patels, Khatris and Jats. AID members gave her a big round of applause for thus "revealing the truth". Thapar also went on to stress the veracity of the much-reviled, historically-discarded and archeologically-disproved "Aryan Invasion Theory" which she said was proof that Hindu culture was not native to India but was instead brought by racist "Aryan" invaders from elsewhere. The IMC on the other hand, has issued calls in the past to ban all Hindu temples in North America since, according to IMC, these temples act as training camps and sources of funds for terrorism in India.

AID and ASHA work closely with Jehadi organizations like Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), typically under the guise of espousing pluralism, furthering human rights.[26] They have routinely organized several events and meetings at the places such as University of Minnesota, Washington D.C., University of Maryland, California etc. CAIR's involvement in illegally channeling millions of dollars to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah and their influence is a well known fact [27]. CAIR includes on its advisory board a known terrorist Siraj Wahhaj, involved in the attempt to blow up New York City monuments [28]. CAIR Chairman Omar M. Ahmad addressed a meeting in San Ramon, California in July 1998 where he declared, "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth." [29].

CAIR is well known in promoting anti-Semitism at every possible instance. The head of CAIR's Los Angeles office, Hussam Ayloush, routinely uses the term "zionazi" when referring to Israelis. CAIR co-hosted an event in May 1998 at which an Egyptian militant Islamic leader, Wagdi Ghunaym, called Jews the "descendants of the apes." For many months after 9/11, it refused to acknowledge or condemn Osama bin Laden for his role in the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3000 innocent people. It also denied bin Laden's responsibility for the deadly bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed hundreds of people. It deemed the conviction of the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing "a travesty of justice." The conviction of Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind cleric who planned to blow up New York City landmarks, was labeled a "hate crime" by CAIR. It also vehemently opposed the extradition order for Hamas terrorist, Mousa Abu Marook. When President Bush closed the Holy Land Foundation in December 2001 for illegally channeling money to the Hamas terrorist organization," CAIR decried his action as "unjust" and "disturbing".

AID and ASHA maintain close ties with other pro-Jihadi groups like the American Muslim Council (AMC) [30] and its sibling with an Indian name: "Indian Muslim Council" (IMC-USA). This IMC leadership invited a Khalistani terrorist speaker to address their First Annual Convention in Santa Clara, California (June 28, 2003), which elicited active support and participation from AID and ASHA. AID leaders flew in to attend this IMC Convention from AID chapters as far away as Austin, Baltimore and Minnesota [31].

Eyewitnesses at the convention state that this notorious Khalistani speaker was cheered with much applause by the IMC, AID and ASHA members in the audience when he announced his organization's plans to cut India into pieces viz. balkanize India into several smaller countries (viz. Kashmir, Punjab, Assam, Nagaland etc). This event has highlighted AID and ASHA's blatant link to a declared Khalistani terrorist organization which has murdered 329 civilians (including 44 American citizens) by bombing Air India flight AI 182 over the Irish Sea on June 23, 1985. This Khalistani terrorist group advocates the "liberation of Punjab from India" and has been waging an armed insurgency since the 1980's by killing over 21,000 Indian civilians in cold blood.

AID and ASHA have worked together with IMC-USA on organizing several such events as quoted on the IMC-USA website [32].

* also see
* also archived at
* also see
* also see
* Indian Muslim Council (IMC), the other organization collaborating with AID, is a close associate of Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR):

Chairman Marx & Comrade Lenin Were Right

Early on in the Tsunami disaster, AID formed an alliance with the Indian-American portal, "", to collect funds. The same dubious ethics we saw in the name flim-flam (Is AID "Alternative for India's Development"? Or "Association for India's Development"?) showed up in the Sulekha-AID flimflam: They divided the incoming donations into two streams, then told donors that their money would be "doubled" by "matching" from the donors in the other stream! . Marx was right indeed, the capitalists donate the rope with which they will hang themselves.

Lenin is purported to have remarked that "Communism must be built with non-Communist hands,". To accomplish this goal, Lenin instructed, will require the help of many "useful idiots." Throughout the past century, millions of "useful idiots" swarmed to provide that help through numerous Communist front groups that invariably appealed to noble motives. The "united front" tactic was developed both to camouflage Communist direction and to give the false appearance of popular support for Communist objectives.

Thus the recent frantic erasure and bald-faced denials of all associations with terrorist and other political communist organizations, is in line with the other ethics demonstrated by AID's leadership.

Green Onion Bulb

Hamid Gul, former Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief and now head of the Tehrik-e-Jehad, claims the Jews attacked WTC. Be as flaky and ridiculous it may, he also has a penchant to use the natural alliance of the Islamists and Leftists to stop US imperialism [sic] [33]. "Former director-general of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt-General (retd) Hamid Gul has called for an alliance between religious parties and former communists and socialists to check the advance of what he called 'the global imperialist coalition'"[34]. An accidental overlap of agendas or deliberate back scratching of Communists and Islamists?

The terror-in-chief Osama Bin Laden, found a fulsome praise by Students Federation of India (SFI) magazine titled "Now Let Osama Speak", in which Osama portrays himself as a crusader of the poor Muslims the world over. He admits to organizing voluntary strike force to wage wars for the cause of Muslims who are struggling in Kashmir, Chechnya and Palestine. In the same article, Laden further justifies the New York attacks, the Pentagon attacks, the Palestine suicide-bombings in Israel and the jihad on Indian security forces in Kashmir. He concludes that Islam will produce more Ladens and they will control the whole world. SFI along with DYFI standing for Islamist causes is not anything new for the Laden mention in SFI magazine to be a mere accident or editorial mistake. SFI and DYFI have partnered with Jamia Democratic Forum earlier in an instance to protest Babri Masjid destruction and further expressed their solidarity with SIMI for being banned under POTA - Indian equivalent of Patriot Act [35] in the august presence and blessings of CPI-M leaders.

Thus, SFI and DYFI are the integral parts of Communist Party of India - Marxist (CPI-M), and grass root workers for NGOs associated with Communists. Notwithstanding most of the erased references in the cyber space, it does not alter this fact on the ground [36][37].

A closer look at all the AID (and their ilk) involvements and activities in the past few years will reveal that most of them are with communist affiliated NGOs as well as Pakistan's Left Parties. Further a quick glance at the speaker list and/or the agenda for any AID conference or event in the US will confirm the communist links.

* Now the connection between IMC and Imamnet - Imamnet link in question, now erased,, had a letter issued on March 5th 2002, five days after the carnage in Gujarat started, was issued by the ImanNet. It stated that "all Hindu temples" were involved in raising funds that may be going to fund the anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat.
* While IMC was accusing of Hindus of mass delirium, the peace group pied pipers in US were busy organizing conferences and passing resolutions to damn the true victims - Hindus: Oberlin Shansi ; For additional information, see [38]
* "Helpful educational material can be obtained from or "
* Connection with Pakistan? "Indian Muslim Alert Network A division of Indian Muslim Council (IMC-USA)"
* At one AID event in Boston one of the esteemed guests AID was pandering to was Kaleem Kawaza. Learn more about this gentleman
* - AID involved in the defense committee for acquittal of Geelani - the one of the three who attacked Indian Parliament.
* The group insaf runs a forum called "forum of Indian leftist" (FOIL) and one can subscribe to it at
* The senior IMC leadership (Zahir Jan Mohammed) is tied to the founder of India's most feared and banned terrorist organization: Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). SIMI members have blown up scores of buses, trains and Hindu temples all over India, killing or maiming hundreds of innocent Indian civilians. SIMI militants have killed atleast 58 Indian civilians by triggering car-bomb blasts in Zaveri Bazar and Gateway of India (in Mumbai) on August 25, 2003. SIMI members were also arrested for harboring an Al-Qaeda terrorist who was plotting to blow up the US Embassy in New Delhi. SIMI's avowed goal is to establish "Nizam-e-Mustafa" (Reign of Islam) in India by killing or converting all "unbelievers" (Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists etc) )
* Joint Peace Demonstrations in India and Pakistan: Responding to a call from the Left parties of Pakistan, the Communist Party of India (ML) Socialist Unity Center of India, CPIML (Red Flag), and CPIML (Unity Initiative) have agreed to organize peace demonstrations on 13th June. It will be for the first time in the history of Pakistan and Indian Left parties that there will be rallies on the same day and on the same issue across Indian sub continent.
Demonstrations across India will be held on the day calling for an immediate end to the war-like situation, pull back the troops from the borders and an end to imperialist intervention in the region. At Lahore, there will be a peace demonstration in front of Lahore Press Club. The representatives of four left parties, National Workers Party, Labour Party Pakistan, communist Mazdoor Kissan party and Pakistan Peoples Party (Shaheed Bhotto), met in Lahore and decided to hold a joint peace rally. Already several national trade unions federations have agreed to support the peace demo.

Red Onion Bulb

The latest rebuttal from AID vociferously denies that it is a communist organization. However, numerous field reports - as well as by AID's own admission and which promptly violates US laws due to their associations to terrorist groups - have made it absolutely clear that the grass-roots work done with AID donor funds is done by members of the DYFI, the SFI, and other Marxist organizations, including (see report from Bihar above) the CPI (ML), which is also known as the People's War Group or Naxalites, a notorious gang of sadistic killers who have managed to get on the Foreign Terrorist Groups list of the US State Department.

* href="">
* "The Communist Party of India, Marxist Leninist Liberation, will honor the kin of about 1000 Naxalites, known as 'comrade martyrs'…..Several prominent social activists, environmentalists, and writers-turned-activists like Mahashweta Devi, Arundhati Roy, Sandeep Pandey, Rajinder Sachar, Praful Bidwai, and Anand Patwardhan will attend the opening session of the congress".
* Red Alert:
* "Most Marxists would not describe me as one because I have always been mixed up between Marx and Gandhi and see that the way forward is a combination of ideas and not a single ideology. In any case I do not consider "Marxism" to be a bad word, although it is a limiting factor and so I prefer not to be labeled".
* ULFA, Naxals join hands, courtesy ISI -
* On Sept. 21, 2004, amidst the thick forests in some part of India, the formation of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) was declared at a public meeting before an assembly of peoples' guerrilla fighters, party activists and activists of mass organizations. The two parties, the Maoist Communist Centre of India and the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)[People's War] were merged to form the new unified Party, the CPI(Maoist). However, this merger declaration has been withheld from the media for security reasons and is now being released to the entire people of our country and the world.
* The Communist Party of India-Marxist, in the latest issue of its weekly publication, People's Democracy, has darkly hinted that Black Sunday was god's retribution for the people voting the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance Government to power in two successive elections and keeping it in office for six years.
* "….About seven of us, from organizations such as FOIL (Forum of Indian Leftists), ASHA for Education-DC, and AID (Association for India's Development) met, finalized a date for a peace rally and a meeting with the ambassador, made posters and agreed on the text of a petition."
* Inspiration for Proxsa - conveniently Mahatma Gandhi and Iqbal The architect of the two-nation theory and the original conceptual Father of Pakistan.-
* AID association with CAIR:
* "Right next to the University College, alleged students led by the Marxist SFI attacked and set fire to a health department van, pelted stones at a phalanx of police in riot gear whom them held off for three hours, and torched a branch of the bank that had denied Rajni the loan. And they snarled traffic on a main arterial road for hours. The police fired teargas to get the rioters away. This scene was repeated all over Kerala, and the toll in damage, injuries, overtime pay to police and the opportunity cost of their being on riot duty, destruction of public property, etc. would have gone into the tens of lakhs."

Funding sources for NGOs in India & Terrorism

* International Linkages of International Terrorist Organizations:
* Counter Terrorism Strategy:
* WSF Mumbai 2004 and the NGO phenomenon in India
* Fundraising for NGOs in India:
* Foreign Funding & NGOs: Front Lines
* The Purse Strings as the Noose: Indian NGOs Face New Challenges - A whine to counter Indian Government's restriction on Foreign Funding.
* Are The NGOs Accountable To People?
* Pakistani ISI using Habib Bank to fund Maoist-Naxal movement
* ISI and Six NGOs:
* Money continues to flow into Terrorist Funds:
* Terrorism Financing: FBI acknowledges 9/11 was financed out of Pakistan:


Any rational and reasonable person would conclude that AID's bloody links and association with Islamist, and Marxist goons is unquestionable. AID's attempt to hide such associations and their participation in slandering other relief agencies to increase their own coffers is undeniable. Marxist agencies might be laughing up their sleeves as they deceive the unsuspecting donors, but it is indisputable that they are political and are in clear violation of IRS charity rules, as well as guilty of hiding their anti-Indian, anti- American & most importantly terrorist links.

The enumerations in this article are basically to support the premise to make the conclusion a cogent and a sound one.

These are just enough reasons for any "crocodile tear"ed, opportunistic relief agency to hide their sources of funding and hide their activities. It is a moral fiction to draw any distinction between resorting to force and mindless violence by groups such as Al-Qaeda and employment of force by sub-national, groups that include NGOs that are recipients of society's largesse. Both groups' actions entail the use of violence and cause death and destruction.

There is no denying that there is a systemic vulnerability and abuse that allows money to move through charities freely, making them a tremendous funding mechanism. As groups in the charity industry come close to the people, that are dispossessed, disillusioned, and indigent, it creates an ideal and conducive vehicle for propaganda and for recruiting personnel to any cause put forth by the charity. Post 9/11, charities have been increasingly coming under scrutiny and are in the bind because regulators worldwide have long been concerned that non-governmental organizations offer a convenient conduit for funding violence. Financial scrutiny is not always what it could be, and the trust-based nature of charitable work means that it is possible to hide funding for terror inside financial flows used for entirely genuine aid and assistance.

A donor had better be responsible and be aware not only of legal issues involved, but also consider if it is too unethical not to worry about whether they are subsidizing terrorism. As a donor, I'd much rather see charity organizations do deliver the services they promise than indulge in internationalizing internal politics, giving a "religious" dimension to even such a colossal tragic event and wasting resources on smearing others.

The information that has been compiled in this article, from an academic exercise, is all in the public domain. One wonders why some donors are still willing to line dance with Communists and Islamists front organizations. Are they "enemies of democracy"? Or willing capitalists supplying guns and ropes to Marxists and Islamists?

Do Sulekha & Satya Prabhakar still want to tango with AID while IRS, FBI might just be waiting in the wings to knock on their doors? Have they willingly joined the onion elite or is it yet another communist takeover of an erstwhile respectable and an esteemed portal? Before we leave, the Bugs Bunny reminds the readers of Satya and Sulekha's tango with AID and Gujarat from long time ago with "Ektaonline"' at

# References [1] Mukherjee, Debashish, "Education Controversy - It is a war of ideas", The Week, Nov. 15, 1998.
# [2] Barron, KGB Today: The Hidden Hand.
# [3]
# [4] "The Pakistan Squeeze"
# [5] "NY Activists Unite Against US Imperialism". Excerpts: "broader mobilization being planned by a coalition called the S8 Mobilization. Thus NYPAAIG was formed, bringing together such organizations as the Colombia Action Committee (CAC), International Action Center (IAC), Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru (CSRP), Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), Forum of Indian Leftists (FOIL), Direct Action Network and Student Liberation Action Movement…. The program at the Philippine consulate also included a solidarity statement from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, which called for support for the New People's Army which is waging protracted armed struggle in the Philippine countryside... Many heads turned at the sight of 90 people carrying signs and a 22 foot banner reading "Down with U.S. Imperialism!" and chanting "Brick by Brick, Wall by Wall, US Rule is Gonna Fall!"". NYPAAIG website at
# [6],2763,1038816,00.html
# [7]
# [8] Black and Red Alliance:
# [9] The Left and the Islamists:
# [10] "USA Patriot Act Guide"
# [11] H.R. 7, 108th Cong. [section] 201 (2003); S. 256, 108th Cong. [section] 208 (2003).
# [12] See Testimony of Under Secretary Jimmy Gurule, Before the House Comm. On Fin. Servs., Oct. 3, 2001,
# [13] High alert: the government's war on the financing of terrorism and its implications for donors, domestic charitable organizations, and global philanthropy. William and Mary Law Review; 3/1/2004; Crimm, Nina J.
# [14]
# [15] "Anti-Terrorist Financing Guidelines: Voluntary Best Practices For U.S.-Based Charities":
# [16] Contributions to Nonqualified Organizations:
# [18] Peace Prizes and Pimping Pinkos
# [19] Arundhati Roy chosen for US prize:
# [20] Naxalism's New Killing Fields:
# [21] "Writer Arundhati Roy caught on the wrong foot" SIFY NEWS, May 10, 2003.
# [21]
# [22] Ashwini Tambe and Aparna Devare, "Organizing against Extremism: Finding an Idiom"
# [23] "Indian government supports litigation for Bhopal cleanup/India"
# [24] Akhila Raman: "For the San Francisco Bay Area:" Announcement, January 2002.
# [25]
# [26]
# [27]
# [28]
# [29] San Ramon Valley Herald Clipping @
# [30]
# [31] See attendees list at:
# [32]
# [33] Gul urges Islamists' alliance with left -
# [34] An interview with General Hamid Gul -
# [35] "Babri Demolition Day Observed In Jamia"
# [36] Bengal Students-Youth Call For Strengthening Mass Contact.
# [37]
# [38] Signers of the Oberlin Declaration, April 21, 2002. [From South Asia Citizens' Web]., Press Statement regarding Gujarat issued by the participants at the 'Siting Secularism Conference', 21 April 2002, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, USA. (


What is more, Anglicans are now promoting gay behavior. Homo or gay behavior is harmful to the whole society. It is one of the ways of spreading AIDS. It is best to leave alone the noble Hindus who are bitter about being provoked after 800 years of colonialism. NOW MORE RELIGIOUS COLONIALISM IS SOMETHING THAT HINDU CITIZENS OF THE HOLY LAND OF INDIA CAN SURELY LIVE WITHOUT. They already have too many gods and too many religions. They sure don’t need one more from alien lands undermining their freedom and security. Instead of helping India's 40 plus poor millions, we sinister christians are ruining even the helpless tsunami victims by conversion their social fabric by dirty conversion tactics and distracting from more important economic development and job creation. If you don’t like the local culture, move to USA or one of the western christian nations. USA gives more visas to the christians anyway. There are many 'refugee' visas lying unused; yes, unused!..! Seek asylum in the west!!..! Instead, it is better to convert the violent and criminal muslim communalists. If we don’t, there is a growing and constant danger. You already live under risk and danger from the evil islamists on a daily basis. Subverting Christians and Hindus to muslim agenda of death and destruction is rife and rampant all over the world. Even kalam indulges in subversion of your children; all the Bollywood movies subvert all your good citizens to the evil islamist agenda of slow subversion or sudden conversion. Already, all your women are wearing islamic dress. Defeat such subversion by **spreading** this message of **boycott** of muslim business! They are merely criminal smugglers and traffickers. They belong in Fakistan!..! It is "savage serial mass murders" that are "hate crimes" not talking about or opining solutions for them....

It is easy to identify who is really in charge:= it is the islamists and christians of India who can be called one or more of from among the options:=
* vermins
* parasites
* viral growth
* greedily hogging pigs in a pig-sty
* greedy savages
* cowardly mice
* cancerous growth...

Words like "thugs, assassins, scums, barbarians, savages.." have all been used in the Western countries to describe islamists but Indians have been too nice calling them as ultras and extremists and haven't done a thing as they are still to grasp the worst animal nature of the terrorists and magnitude of terrorist "hate crimes." India does not owe citizenship to these subhuman lowly ruining creatures with no basic humanity nor fundamental decency.

It is assinine for any to assume "its not crime against religion ...its just crime against another human being and religion jus happnes to be an excuse....." or that if you do nothing or keep yielding the anti-Hindus would become alright. That has not worked so far in the last several hundred years. One doesn't understand all this happened inside the temple killing members of a marriage party, in a train station, market..etc. If death came to anti-Hindu's family or marriage party in a temple, one might.

The concept of dialogue has had no success in inter-communal relations and many peace rallies and such dialogue has not worked either . What part of this simple logic the anti-Hindu morons dont understand?

At least boycott is minimally needed to cut off blood supply to the unlimited cancerous growth. Even islamist countries like arabia, moracco, turkey...etc drain out the swamp by street to street round-ups, raids on mosques, jailing on mere suspicion. Israel and USA use a variety of tools like curfew, road blocks, air assaults, targetted assassination, shutting of water and power supply, high walls, modern armaments are used against civilians as collective punishment though some falsely claim there are only a few bad apples when the truth is the jihadism as much as 80-90%.

It is easy to see why some ignorant and uncritical amongst us (you cant be uncritical with the unethical) get foolishly caught up in the webs of mass deception - WMD - long woven by neo-colonial islamists that have long engaged in mind games of the worst sorts. Neither the govt nor BJP/VHP has been defending the civil society from muslim sub-humans amongst whom the decent citizens find it hard to live, facing threats of savage violence mainly supported by neo-colonial dark forces.

Indians have been too soft and easy on the juvenile terrorists that India is a deadly mix of

* pure nazi type hate by which Hitler type xenophobia could be explosively mixed with a plethora of other ingredients of fascist savage domination, plus

* apartheid type hate that excludes the majority, plus
* Charles Taylor type savage interference of pakki barbaric fascists, plus
* Saddam type p-secular persecution by brute force, plus
* Chinese commie type grab by any means ideology, plus
* Israel's type targeted killing of Hindu leaders;
* Turkish type police brutality on any dissent however mild, plus
* Zimbabwe type ex-colonialists impoverishing the host culture; etc. etc.

Why is there such insensitivity of Hussain in painting our deities in a lewd, offensive and blasphemous manner is not despicable. I dont see many recommending Hindu boycott of islamist products "kicking them where it hurts." [I have been callig for this kind of boycott for along time now].

For once, the islamists need to be taught a lesson for all their 960 years of genocidal atrocities on us, the victims of their millennium long religious hatred and savage violence....

Both christians - priests or not - and islamists have long been ruining India and Indians by savage violence, mind games and cultural assaults. Now it is too hard to deal with them or make them understand or make them behave as decent citizens. True citizens of India - namely, the Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Dalits, have long been victims of religious hatred of the dominating islamist and christian minority's number and vote-bank politics. The islamist and christian minority have long been wreaking immeasurable havoc on the civil society subverting every system and institution to their greedy advantage to the total exclusion of even the Dalit Hindus who number as many as 250+ mil.

No one has answered this q, "what is the objection to the Hindutva, as articulated by leaders?" a rule that can be more secular than the current version - almost near-perfect secularism plus full democratic rule by the majority denied by election murders, while ignoring the larger issue of intolerance of Islamic ideology and its rejection of secular ideas, and the distortion of secularism by liberals to the point that it has become the most communal ideology in India (thus, aptly called pseudo-secularism)."

Most anti-Hindu rant is definitely xenophobic. When the so called "war on Hindus" is directed against a religious community, this is definitely xenophobic. ..We need to rise above opportunistic arguments... that fail to convince!! Those private views on the matter are NOT sufficient to support either the islamist savage action or reaction - especially of a violent and frenzied kind. In fact, we need to condemn such millennium long savage serial mass murders.

No one should ever bring in "the Mahatma who.. is a creation of the media, creator of Pakistan, mass murderer of millions of Hindus/Sikhs, murderer of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru...."

"Muslims seem to have more fundamentalists amongst them seeing that most terrorism emanates from one community all over the world. And the only way that can be explained, without saying Muslims are bad people or it is in their genes, is that these terrorists and their sympathisers are such due to the ideology they follow (means they believe and follow the bigotic verses in the Koran..." In your own words....not mine...!

It is all about issues that call for honest and direct dealings relating to life and death for ordinary Indian citizens not about what someone made wealthy by the blood, sweat and tears of Hindus is supposed to have contributed to India..

After a divorce the couple do not stay together under the same roof. After such a divorce how come two groups one rabidly savage type incompatible with compassionate and tolerant other can be allowed to stay together now in India?

No wonder there is not just hostile living and working conditions, not just thugs creating communal tensions but life threatening conflicts that are all too frequent and wide-spread. Your islamists do indeed pose serious threats daily to your lives, judging form the violent protests for cartoons when jewelry shops were looted, temples were destroyed and soon later four got killed in Lucknow. I recall the news story of this lady who jumped off a train in Mumbai mistaking a paper bag to contain a bomb. If that does not portray the Indian living conditions, what will? My Indian friend's rleative refused to take the train to attend a wedding fearing bomb blasts, until he could be convinced otherwise.

Surely a few muslims "left dumped" might be ok. Too many of the criminal type is NOT ok. Once converted into islam, CASTE BASED discrimination is supposed to have ended. Casteism is traditionally associated with only the Hindus, right? Every Hindu has the right to demand an answer to the question: why is casteism and discrimination prevalent among islamists? Social equality is supposed to come with the islamist turf..

Yes, "Secular principle says no particular religious communalist (ok, community) should receive special treatment by way of job quotas. Furthermore, "affirmative action" of USA guarantees only equal consideration irrespective of race, creed, gender or sexual orientation not quotas as demanded for the murderous muslim villains."

There is enough arab monies to go around now being "misused for building hate-mongering mosques and madarasas". It is the non-violent Hindu Dalits who are permanent underclass "that deserve more such quotas" at all levels. - even the army. Pampering and not punishing the islamist criminals are the root causes of public order spiralling ever downward from their criminality.

No wonder there are scores of subverted Hindu fools who easily fall into the trap of pseudo-secularism of the minority and start hating the gracious, secular and noble Hindumans, dignified and generous enough to let us stay back in 1947 though we have proved ourselves to be a heavy burden and worrisome liability on the civil population, ever demanding more and more at the expense of even the deserving non-violent Dalits who far outnumber us - non-violent and passive 250 mil versus violent and aggressive 110 mil islamists.

It is the uncovering of the consistent pattern of savage physical and verbal abuse of the Hindumans as victims of islamist hatred for ages, is the major achievement of a few. In contrast to the ignorant people like Joseph Philip with well-established links to exploitation - of even criminal type, Hindumans are relatively clean, I suppose..So, boycott for minimal social justice! Spread this message to all you know!!

Certainly, rule of law does not prevail in India where the majority do not rule but the colonial remnants do - those who wont let go of their stranglehold on power, prevail after first foothold, then stronghold. They have become most presumbly too comfortable with the cheap thrills of exploitation of the Hindu men and sexploitation of their women. I think getting rich at their expense seems to be the best benefit of the neo-colonial fascists, Bollywood (including Shah Rukh) Khans and Kalam being the prime examples. I imagine all this stems from religious colonialism, political colonialism and economic colonialism, cultural colonialism, ..etc One true Indian wrote, "Media selective targeting of Hindus and support for jihadis and commies is disgusting." I might add preying on Hindu vulnerability by successive weakening them in all aspects of matters.

Indian politics never ceases to amaze me. My travels have shown Hindus face unequal law. Presumed innocence does indeed mean that many suspects, like Imam Bukhari, can walk freely though proven guilty. Presumed innocence has always meant that there needs to be no prosecution for the fascist minority. No one objected to the arrest but only the manner of divisive trial by media, skewing inequity, polarizing ill-treatment and spewing of hate, lies...etc on the Hindu Pope in particular and the Hindu society in general. This is not new; this has gone on for several centuries. Murder is a murder whether incited by Hindu Pope, or by muslims or their Imam Bukhari for their mobs and Naxals to execute. Why give amnesty to Naxals and Bukhari and leave Hindu Pope in jail. Is it rule of law, equality under the law or equal protection under the law? Ugly truth is there is no rule of law in India, nor democracy nor secularism - all hijacked by the fascist, greedy and dishonest minority of India.

Each year brings newer and more grim and gruesome man-made disaster and devastation to the Indians and no one seems to care not even the Hindu organizations like BJP, VHP and so on, because they have all been paralyzed by unspeakable evil force of the media and its dark and shadowy supporters. As if frequent and widespread serial mass murders are not enough, Indians face and often surrender to seemingly insurmountable political repression as evidenced by unseating of the Chief Minister of M.P, Ms Uma Bharati and continued persecution of Hindu social and Human Rights activists like Dr Praveen Togadia and His Holiness J Sarawati of Kanchi Monastery. The cruel result is all political and social dissidents have been wickedly silenced, public safety undercut and national security undermined. Trigger of violence comes from as far as USA where the remarks of Jerry Falwell, caused gruesome death of nine innocent Hindus and the most heinous mass murders of thousands during Khilafat carnage during the earlier Raj period. Consequently, even the masses have been paralyzed, with no credible opposition to the savage forces of barbaric hordes that have been allowed to stay back in India after 1947 bloody dismemberment. Divisive religion enters every rescue and development efforts, Dalits and women being the most adversely affected, being totally unable to cope with the situation on the ground. This type of grim situation is attested by the ever growing suicides among the Hindus in general and its farmers in particular; the grim situation shows the compelling and clear evidence. The masses cannot hide their pain and suffering and need to take their own lives in ultimate sacrifice of their lives.

It is not just State crimes of commission but also of State crimes of omission. Literally thousands of crimes by minority have gone on unpunished for several centuries starting from Khilafat mass scale pogrom. Other most recent ones at Marad, Godhra, blasts in trains, buses, temples and cinema halls have not been legally dealt with either. Pseudo-secularists might want to address it. Presumed innocence does indeed mean that the suspect, Imam Bukhari, can walk freely though proven guilty. Presumed innocence has always meant that there needs to be no prosecution for the fascist minority.
Best quote of the millennium:
at /blogs/blogdisplay.aspx?cid=44015
"But let me ask you this: Why do the liberals deny these rights and privileges to the Hindus?

Why is it that we cannot even say Islam is becoming a menace? But if we say Hindutva is threatening national unity, all of you will rush for the garlands. So distant you are from reality, I do not know what to say.
And Do they realize that they have completely mutilated the meaning of Liberal?"
Post-Godhra incidents had nothing much to do with His Excellency Honourable Narendra Modi-ji. The Newtonian infamy perhaps belongs to pakki fascists, kalam, mfsd and again the local muslime criminal thugs who wanted a diversion from Kargil war and to malign Modi-ji and the trusting Hindus - pure political savagery. Keep in mind muslime on muslime violence is common all over the world! Go back and read Fareena Raza's posts that had given clear and ample evidence as to why and how the criminal thugs ran over tribals using a jeep got provoked.
Thanks to a few we have people thinking about the muslime savage menace today! The evil devils are trying to silence him. There is growing awareness among us about the excessive privileges the muslime criminals abuse to stage violent protests
* damaging our property like targetting Hindu temples and jewelry shops [as during Danish cartoon savagery]
* causing deaths [as during Bush visit savagery and Jerry Falwell]
* murdering thousands of innocent Hindus [as during Moplah caliphate genocidal pogrom]
---------all with no connection or link to either Hindus or Indians.

Nationalism and Secularism are under threat in many nations and you are right in saying, "Battle may soon be joined to preserve the strict separation of church and state that the founding fathers intended."

Look at the native citizens of India. While Hindus are secular, the christians and muslims are not. They dominate the political landscape via church and mosque interference. This is not it. What is more, the Hindu majority of close to 1 bil dont rule. So, there is no democracy either. Yet, we preach democracy to the Russians, Cubans..etc. What an irony!

After 800 years of alien domination and persecution, the Hindus are yet to gain autonomy and self-rule. Evangelists are running conversion carnivals and militant muslims are copying it. Hence, the local helpless citizens are suffering from social disorder besides economic instability.

What is more, Anglicans are now promoting gay behavior. Homo or gay behavior is harmful to the whole society. It is one of the ways of spreading AIDS. It is best to leave alone the noble Hindus who are bitter about being provoked after 800 years of colonialism. NOW MORE RELIGIOUS COLONIALISM IS SOMETHING THAT HINDU CITIZENS OF THE HOLY LAND OF INDIA CAN SURELY LIVE WITHOUT. They already have too many gods and too many religions. They sure don’t need one more from alien lands undermining their freedom and security. Instead of helping India's 440 plus poor millions, we sinister christians are ruining even the helpless tsunami victims by conversion their social fabric by dirty conversion tactics and distracting from more important economic development and job creation. If you don’t like the local culture, move to USA or one of the western christian nations. USA gives more visas to the christians anyway. There are many 'refugee' visas lying unused; yes, unused!..! Seek asylum in the west!!..! Instead, it is better to convert the violent and criminal muslim communalists. If we don’t, there is a growing and constant danger. You already live under risk and danger from the evil islamists on a daily basis. Subverting Christians and Hindus to muslim agenda of death and destruction is rife and rampant all over the world. Even kalam indulges in subversion of your children; all the Bollywood movies subvert all your good citizens to the evil islamist agenda of slow subversion or sudden conversion. Already, all your women are wearing islamic dress.

It is best to leave alone the noble Hindus who are bitter about being provoked and leave alone their ancient advanced culture.

They already have too many gods and too many religions. They sure dont need one more from alien lands undermining their freedom and security. Christians too rob their land for burial, side with the criminal islamists, betray them in all Internaitonal Forums, do not respect the local customs, and values ill treat the Dalits...etc. Didnt Jesus say treat others like you will have them treat you when he said DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU ? Didn't he preach to stand up for the weak and the vulnerable like the Hindus? If they boycott Western business, are we not shooting ourselves in the foot?

The shocking news of tsunami deaths ought to drive home the point it is an utter waste dumping tons of dollars on Fakistan and its cousin next door with honcho Karzai, the super-phony. With these charlatans hogging all the resources, there is not much left for natural disaster relief. The tsunami deaths must tell us it is a waste dumping dollars on Fakistan and its cousin next door with honcho Karzai, the super-phony. With these charlatans hogging all the resources, there is not much left for natural disaster relief. I read Indians are rewarding their barbaric muslims who attack the locals savagely, with job reservations, much like rewarding the savages of Fakistan for 9-11. They are clearly enjoying EXCESSIVE RIGHTS inIndia, considering they killed nine for the foul remarks of our Jerry Falwell in distant USA (history tells us they did that by murdering 1000's when the brits deposed Caliph in Turkey), slaughtered 2000+ for an unused bldg called babri mosque that was in ruins anyway, butchered 1000's angry at a pig running by a mosque, damaged public property even after ban of the book, Satanic Verses..and so on. Now they are busy murdering people in Europe too, beginning with 3-11, then Theo van Gogh ..and so on. When will we even learn our lesson? RESTORING SOCIAL ORDER AND RULE OF LAW IN INDIA (preventing serial mass murders and political oppression for one more century) is critically important.

Losing democracy and secularism is one thing but losing basic civil rights is far more serious and grave. When will Hindus get independence and liberty after missing the one in 1947? When will the Indians wake up and smell the stink of the anti-national islamists and their monstrous allies who take land for burial even after death? ....

In the current millenium, when Human Rights violations are taken pretty seriously and thugs like Charles Taylor of Sierra Leone are being hounded for war crimes and crimes against humanity, assassins of India are hiding in rat holes with the full support of the fellow anti-Indian fascists."

Catholic church in Goa was up in arms on the movie on Goan liberation but in this case, almost all Hindus have been silent on arrest of Hindu Pope and many are getting silenced like the voice of Tavleen Singh. Is the Vatican Pope culpable for the zillions of rapes of minors all over the world? Probably. Is it ever likely the Catholic and other church sex crimes on innocent Indian children be brought to light and the criminals punished? Probably. Odds are in the criminals' favor.

It is largely because of pseudo-secularists that many Falujahs abound where even the police are scared to go in, many serious crimes keep being committed on the innocent native culture of India, who have also been tyrannically silenced by Pseudo-secularists. In this condition and context, it is very unlikely anything like the Orange revolution of Ukraine will ever take place in India, which will then be called Saffron War by the fascist, greedy and dishonest minority of India.

There is no evidence that the minority of India care for the poor, not even for their own poor; I read a Dalit was forced to bury his dead relative in his own yard, after being prevented access to community cemetery. It is not surprising all sorts of corporate crooks like ENRON, tobacco giants, zillion toothpaste and shoelace technology are draining Indian coffers.

FDI will surely come in, if rule of law is seen to prevail; as long as pseudo-secularists prevent rule of law, FDI and economic development that China enjoys, will remain a dream and many Hindus and Sikhs will continue taking their own lives while the minority Muslims and Christians continue taking law into their own hands. Afghan minister in two years recognized NGOs as subversive perverts but the trusting Hindus have allowed them for decades, if not centuries. Boycott them too!..!

The minority immoral conversion (Jews here in USA successfully resisted conversion assault by the Southern Baptist Church) and subversion assault has always worked for the anti-nationals and no one is calling their bluff. Selective and unequal justice always worked for them as well, throw "rule of law" to the winds. This shows how important it is not to lower your guards. Boycott of peddlers and traders - nay, smugglers and traffickers, is a good start. You *do not* have many other options. Or else, direct serial mass murders, indirect naxal proxy murders, conversion, illegal migration and subversion might well continue. Be forewarned. I bet hate-mongers inside and war-mongers outside have already ruined India over many decades. Put a stop to it and take my advice. Let the corrupt officials find money instead of enriching themselves and instead of begging World Bank and IMF thereby upping your debt burden.

Be warned too that if you don’t boycott Christian and Muslim business and NGO's, many more of their crimes might go unpunished, many more unreported and many, many, many more unchecked.

I read Indians are rewarding their barbaric muslims who attack the locals savagely, with job reservations, much like rewarding the savages of Fakistan for 9-11. They are clearly enjoying EXCESSIVE RIGHTS in India, considering they killed nine for the foul remarks of our Jerry Falwell in distant USA (history tells us they did that by murdering 1000's when the brits deposed Caliph in Turkey), slaughtered 2000+ for an unused bldg called babri mosque that was in ruins anyway, butchered 1000's angry at a pig running by a mosque, damaged public property even after ban of the book, Satanic Verses..and so on.

Now they are busy murdering people in Europe too, beginning with 3-11, then Theo van Gogh ..and so on. When will we even learn our lesson? Jinah worked a savage frenzy out of paranoia that Hindus like Moti Lal, Jawahar's dad, might perhaps in some likelihood not be extremely respectful towards savagely abusive behavior of the islamist extremists with some degree of remote possibility. Hence, he engineered many barbaric pogroms and savage serial mass murders on totally innocent, unarmed Hindus entirely unprovoked - Moplah mass murders belong to another genre - Nao Kali pogrom and other similar ones come to mind.

If a few Hindutvadis were/are around and had/have any power at all, the general public might have been benefitted. You wont see so much "continued barbarity and criminality" (by your muslims) that Mr Akram talks about. In reality, there is no real Hindutvadi to speak of. You need at least a few, like the Brit-vadi Gordon Brown. You want Hindutvadis urgently! Right away!! Jinah worked a savage frenzy out of paranoia that Hindus like Moti Lal, Jawahar's dad, might not perhaps in some likelihood be extremely respectful towards savagely abusive behavior of the islamist extremists with some degree of remote possibility. Hence, he engineered many barbaric pogroms and savage serial mass murders on totally innocent, unarmed Hindus entirely unprovoked - Moplah mass murders belong to another genre - Nao Kali pogrom and other similar ones come to mind.

If a few Hindutvadis were/are around and had/have any power at all, the general public might have been benefitted. You wont see so much "continued barbarity and criminality". In reality, there is no real Hindutvadi to speak of. You need at least a few, like the Brit-vadi Gordon Brown. You want Hindutvadis urgently! Right away!!

Pre-1947 the two - Hindu society and the muslim communalists were NOT indistinguishable but unequal, former had to pay special tax or get converted always facing persecution, that was true during while raj period too.

Now under neo-colonial period of muslim-x'tian rule, inequality continues in the name of minority-ism that pampers the muslims with special privileges and treatment at every turn and unlimited savage power to kill and loot at will at the slightest pretext like during the cartoon or Moplah pogroms, or Falwell murder case.
Both "mob terror" and 'bomb terror' are of islamic origin and islamic currency ever since the islamic invasion, the last 800+60 years or so. They have been indulging in predatory murders of our organisational leaders and nothing much is being done about it. It is not easy to hide the (women and) children armed in mosques or storming the 'thana', the police stations, and preventing the administration of justice. On top of it all, it is this type of islamist wild dancing around the issue and spreading falsehoods in Hitler style propaganda that make people say, "these slimy muslime parasites are not only savage serial mass murderers but also serial liars."

If anyone reads the list of rapes that have targetted our women, he/she would realise the shocking impact of allowing these parasitic vermins to stay back in India in 1947 and allowing them so much privileges most of which we ourselves dont have, like free speech and freedom of worship, movement and freedom to follow the religion of our ancestors free from blighting evangelists of various hues.

the brits and the p-secs like Gandhi gave the nation to the neo-colonial islamists on a golden platter. And the savage anti-secularism of the islamists and their rabidly bigotted Hitlerian propaganda tricks are indeed very saddeningly anti-national, to say the least.

On the present national scene too, the minority of India being more powerful to take the country to greater heights, are not doing so but indulge in very many negative antics blighting the native culture and wiping all the gains that the Hindus bring in, advancing inch by inch by their hard work and at extreme danger and risk to themselves and families - like the Hindu girl who was murdered while returning from work at a multi-national company in Bangalore. There are mostly Hindu prostitutes and beggars than of other religions because of their endemic poverty that also leads to infanticide.

It is beneficial to look at the crimes on Hindu women that may perhaps be leading to their abortion theoretically - yet to be proved though:=
" Davangere police bust human trafficking DAVANGERE, DHNS: In a major breakthrough, Davangere police have busted an inter-State human trafficking racket and have arrested six persons Ashraf Mohmad and Amir Ali belonging to Vynadu and Kasaragodu districts in Kerala, Herald Jerome De'Souza from Udupi, Ibrahim from Mysore and Davangere resident Ashifa Banu have been arrested in this connection.
/////news-A that must stir up Indians to boycott islamist business//////
11 injured in acid attack in Mandi Kuldeep Chauhan Tribune News Service Mandi, May 27
Barely a year after an acid attack incident in Shimla, one person who runs tailor shop here today went berserk in bus, threw the acid on a girl and over 10 other passengers, inflecting major injuries on their face, arms and legs....the police sources revealed that the attacker has been identified as Muhmud Magrub from Muzaffarnagar in UP. The DSP (headquaters), Mandi, claimed that he had an affair (read **RAPE**) with the girl...///////
Death sentence for rape and murder
Malappuram (Ker), Oct 31 2005: A Fast Track Court here today sentenced a man to death after convicting him of rape and murder of a 12-year-old schoolgirl last year.
According to prosecution 21-year-old Aboobacker committed the crime after luring the 7th standard student to a construction site near her school at Areembra on September eight last year.
After outraging her modesty and killing her, the accused had also hidden the body at the site which remained isolated at that time as the workers were away.
#Pregnant schoolgirl pays with legs - for love
By Krittivas Mukherjee, Indo-Asian News Service
Kolkata, Feb 26 (2005) (IANS) To most people, love is the elixir of life. But for Moushumi Mondal, a schoolgirl in West Bengal, it has been her greatest enemy that almost took her life and left her crippled.
A few months ago, Mondal, a student of Class 11 from Mahmudpur in Murshidabad district, was like any other girl in love, full of hopes, vim and a zest for life.
According to Mondal, after spending several days together, Khan told her that he was married and that he was not in a position to marry her.
Mondal went to see Khan at the appointed place by a railway track. There, after some sweet talk, Khan pushed her in front of a running train.
Luckily, she fell in such a way that only her legs came under the wheels of the train.
Nagpada riot By: Vaman Phadke and Sandeep Ashar October 22, 2005
A shopkeeper and four policemen were attacked and injured late last night, after they tried to protect a girl from misbehaving youth at Nagpada.
Three youth, all on motorbikes, were misbehaving with a college-going girl, when shopkeeper Mohammed Sheikh saw what was happening and warned them to stop. They were identified as Rafiq Shiekh (20), Purkhan Ahmed (18) and Sahil Ansari (19).
‘‘They were even abusing the girl’s mother,’’ said the 30-year-old Sheikh who operates a bag shop in K D Compound.
The youth abused the policemen and attacked them too. ‘‘They shouted maro salon ko and started hitting us with iron pipes,’’ said Assistant Sub-Inspector Jaywant Shirke (50), from his hospital bed.
Deccan Herald »Gangrape in City, 2 held
DH News Service Bangalore:
A 15-year-old girl was gangraped by four youths including a college student, at P Chennasandra in Ramamurthynagar here on Friday evening. Some passers-by who witnessed the incident ......
A 15-year-old girl was gangraped by four youths including a college student, at P Chennasandra in Ramamurthynagar here on Friday evening. Some passers-by who witnessed the incident nabbed two of the accused and handed them over to police, while the other two managed to flee.
The duo in police custody has been identified as Feroz (23), an alumnus of Oxford College in Bangalore, and Anis (24), a nursing college student.
All the accused are from Kochi in Kerala, according to Ramamurthy Nagar police.
It is not easy to hide the (women and) children armed (and trained) in mosques or storming the police stations and preventing the administration of justice. On top of it all, it is this type of islamist wild dancing around the issue and spreading falsehoods in Hitler style propaganda that make people say, "these slimy muslime parasites are not only savage serial mass murderers but also serial liars."

"If anyone reads the list of (girl child) rapes that have targetted our women, he/she would realise the shocking impact of allowing these parasitic vermins to stay back in India in 1947 and allowing them so much privileges most of which we ourselves dont have, like free speech and
freedom of worship, movement and freedom to follow the religion of our ancestors free from blighting evangelists of various hues."

In the words of another pro-India well-wisher, we are witnessing "the most tricky 'neo-colonial' circus" scripted by "Jinah-vian agenda" of only fundamentalism found in India, namely ISLAMIC communal type.

Where is the end? Decent citizens and BBC like media need to safeguard the interests of the weak and vulnerable Indian women and ....of course men too. AIDS epidemic is partly one big reason why this sort of filth must be pre-empted out.
It is no exaggeration to affirm that Hindu women are the worst affected by jihadi politics of the sub-continent and minority politics of India. The news item on the "Stolen Brides" that talks about under aged girls are abducted and forced to marry old men often twice their age after conversion into the islamist cult. Nowhere in the world are there more vulnerably weak people than the Hindus of the sub-continent.

Over and beyond the incredibly nice questions by some, my own questions are,

* what percent of pan-handlers are Hindus compared to other groups?

* what percent of sex workers are Hindus likewise?

* what percent of slum dwellers are Hindus likewise?

* what percent of houses of worship, say - mosques/churches are new built in the last 10 years?
* what percent of the population commit suicide in each of Hindus, Buddhists,..etc?

Facts are sure to show there are more Hindu poor than any other group driving them to suicide and prostitution. On the ground reality is the murderous muslim villains are by no means poor. Out of 45% under the poverty line in India, the highest percent are disproportionately Hindus, shown by money spent worse percent of mosques built, madrasas and computerized classrooms for the islamist cult, money spent on arms and ammunition stockpiled in mosques, number of children per family that it is able to support, number of wives a man is able to support,..etc.

It is all about safety and security. Islamist hordes have put you all in constant danger and worst types of risks, having killed so often and in so many places of India, ever since their marauding invasion nine centuries ago. The conclusion is they have never been either civilized or contrite. They have subverted every system and instituion to their greedy advantage, the worst case being the media. Speaking of leftist media lies, let me cite a news item of SPAIN. For just one dead Spaniard killed by a mad moroccan, several islamist homes were burnt and many more were killed in Spain and this did not receive as much media attention as postGodhra incidents when close to 600 Hindus were slughtered over and beyond 59 that were burnt alive - consisting mostly of women and children from the **conservative right**.

Neither your ruling party nor your leaders are willing and able to protect you or your rights or your way of life called Hinduism; hence, you need to address these critical issues of public safety and national security seriously by spreading the message of boycott and that of packing off the savage cultists to PoK as part of the Kashmir problem.

Now at the age of 23, our child has left Hinduism and converted to the (fill in the blank) religion. When we ask how could they have left the religion of their family, the answer that they throw back in our face is: 'but mama/dada, you always taught us that all religions are the same, and that it doesn't really matter how a person worships God. So what does it matter if we've followed your advice and switched to another religion?'”

Most anti-Indian Hindus are the subverted victims of pakki perverse designs and islamist subversive logic. One prey to that evil predatory targeting is not surprising. Such female creatures might well imagine it is high fashion or some sort of modern fad to denigrate your own culture and your own society and joing the enemies in the fond hope of being accepted as a cosmopolitan elite.

The ruin that such subservient thinking has brought to our nation is indeed immeasurable. Indian could have been richer than China but now we are poorer than Malaysia or Thailand with more under the poverty line, more Hindu women seeking prostitution, more new mosques and madrasas full of hidden weapons...and every anti-naitonal activity one can conceive of, for one more century of murder and mayhem in our riotous streets.

Nothing has changed since Jinah used to run killing fields in the name of Direct Action, Nothing has changed since 1947 when freedom and independence from the Raj period was officially proclaimed to the whole world. Nothing in the political or economic independence of the masses who is supposed to have been liberated. Perhaps the most heinous than the murders and riots themselves has been the denial of donation access to IDRF, the only outfit of the Hindus that sponsors humanitarian emergency aid in any humanitarian crisis by the action of a few academics in USA; yes believe me or not arm-chair academics with head in the clouds, dictating to others not to contribute to IDRF has been the worst inhumane tyranny of the millennium.

For, neither the unlimited freedom of the murderous muslim villains, nor the limitless
support for those murders by the dishonest media and educated moderate muslims to murder, has been stressed well enough. Today on Dec 25th 2004, Americans declared arrest of several for the Mosul, Iraq attack. That is the sort of swift justice that was or has been needed. Ever heard of the expression, "Justice delayed is justice denied"? When there is absolutely no justice at all after literally hundreds of serial mass murders, justice has indeed been prevented for the larger civil society of India.

Most crimes against the Hindus and Sikhs have been closeted by webs of mass deception by dishonest minority who are always in denial, deceit and deception using 3M-Technology of manipulation, machination and maneuvering!

Defeat subversion by **spreading** this message of **boycott** of muslim business! They are merely criminal smugglers and traffickers. They belong in Fakistan!..! If we all boycott muslime business and cut the blood supply to the cancerous cells, like the arabs are boycotting Danish goods, we would have some measure of social justice.

Anyways, what is dispiriting and distressing is not the continuing minority colonial criminality, [no intervention by those in power being understanble as they are part of this criminality] but the excessive tolerance/restraint of the Hindus/Hindutvadis. That is what makes me lose sleep.

[As if by divine retribution, the same murderous muslim villains are subject to oppression and subjugation by the godless chinese in Malaysia, Indonesia ..where less than 5% chinese control more than 70% of the economy! Ironically, even the rabidly bigoted saudis were close to the godless chinese! such is the spin effect of the chinese!!]
Islamists are out-smarting the police even as 'speak' and what one sees as news is a but a minor fraction of the reported crimes by wily islamists - these are not the old mogul day crimes but hot, hot current ones:=
1.13 kg of heroin seized, two held Chennai, Feb 25: Two persons, including a small time Tamil film actor, have been arrested after Narcotics Control Bureau officers seized 1.13 Kg of heroin, valued at about Rs 1.3 crore in international market, from their possession, a top NCB official said.
NCB Zonal Director Shankar Jiwal said here in a release today that the officers intercepted two persons - Abdul Rahim, the actor and Sehik Babu at a bus-stand in Madurai, on Thursday and seized the contraband concealed in two water bottles.
Foreign currency seized, two held Kasaragod, Feb 26: Foreign currency worth Rs 22.50 lakh was seized from a car near here and two persons were taken into custody in this connection yesterday, police said.
The currencies in dinar, euro and US dollar were seized by the highway patrol team from the car and took into custody M Ahamed and K A Kunhahemed.
I delivered weapons to Sanjay: Salem Mumbai, March 1: Extradited gangster Abu Salem has confessed to having delivered three AK-56 guns, some hand grenades and ammunition at actor Sanjay Dutt's house just before the 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blasts.
Salem, Aziz and one more person travelled to Bhiwandi in neighbouring Thane district, where they took charge of a Maruti van which was supposed to have silver hidden in cavities. Salem has also mentioned that the person who delivered Maruti van at Bhiwandi was Riyaz Siddiqui.
NBWs against Dawood, gutkha barons Mumbai, Feb 27: A special court today issued non-bailable warrants against five persons, including fugitive don, Dawood Ibrahim, gutkha kings Rasiklal Dhariwal and Jagdish Joshi, wanted in a case of alleged nexus between the underworld and the gutkha barons.
Apart from Dawood, Dhariwal and Joshi, others named in the non-bailable warrants are: Dawood's brother Anees Ibrahim and one Salim, reported to be an associate of Dawood Ibrahim.
11 injured in acid attack in Mandi Kuldeep Chauhan Tribune News Service Mandi, May 27Barely a year after an acid attack incident in Shimla, one person who runs tailor shop here today went berserk in bus, threw the acid on a girl and over 10 other passengers, inflecting major injuries on their face, arms and legs....the police sources revealed that the attacker has been identified as Muhmud Magrub from Muzaffarnagar in UP.
Deccan Herald »Gangrape in City, 2 held DH News Service Bangalore: A 15-year-old girl was gangraped by four youths including a college student, at P Chennasandra ...The duo in police custody has been identified as Feroz (23), an alumnus of Oxford College in Bangalore, and Anis (24), a nursing college student. All the accused are from Kochi in Kerala...
"Salem funded Atta's 9/11 suicide squad Pramod Kumar Singh / New Delhi
Mafia don Abu Salem was not only involved in arranging arms and ammunitions for the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, he was also instrumental in providing funds to Mohammad Atta, the leader of al-Qaeda's 9/11 suicide squad of hijackers.

It has now been revealed that the conspiracy to kidnap Partho Roy Burman, the owner of Khadim Shoes, Kolkata was hatched by Salem and Ansari. The duo extorted over US $100,000 for the safe release of Burman. Of this, Salem paid a substantial amount to Atta during his stay in Boston.

The Homeland Security department of the US is in possession of proof in this regard."
"It is believed that the sensational kidnapping of two Rajkot (Gujarat) based diamond merchants Bhaskar Parikh and Paresh Shah was also planned by Salem and executed by Ansari. The Gujarat Police rescued Parikh in an encounter in Ahmedabad but the kidnappers managed to smuggle Shah to a hideout in Delhi and extorted crores of rupees for his safe release. The money allegedly went to Omar Sheikh Sayyed, the London educated hardcore HuJI terrorist. These kidnappings were part of the bigger conspiracy hatched by LeT to fund terrorist activities in India."
"In the 14-odd years after he stopped selling wallets and belts at a small Andheri stall and started doing business on the phone, Abu Salem has amassed a fortune that places him among the 50 richest individuals in India: he’s worth over Rs 1,000 crore."

Abu Salem's activities can be broadly summed up as follows:

(i) Used to be a prominent henchman of Dawood Ibrahim and was in charge of D company's havala transactions till he split from Dawood.

(ii) Involved in the Mehsana RDX recovery case of December 1997.

(iii) Involved in the Gulshan Kumar murder case of August 1997, number DCP/CID, CR no 71/97.

(iv) Detained by the Dubai police in a cheating case .
INTERPOL Red Corner Alert Notice Number: A-103/3-1995
He went to Pakistan in mid-1997 for making arrangements for the marriage of Dawood Ibrahim's brother Humayun.

Later, he went for Umrah with his family. Meanwhile, Dawood was able to persuade the Dubai authorities and the case was withdrawn. Salem returned to Dubai from Karachi in March 1998.
Salem is a notorious hitman. His name figures in the murder of music baron Gulshan Kumar. Vikram Vahi, alias Vicky, who was the one who actually pressed the trigger on instructions of Salem, was himself killed by Salem in Nepal.

Abu Salem was in close contact with the late Mirza Dilshad Beg, MP of Nepal...."
Nepali islamists are implicated too.

Nepal is also linked - as it was in the gold bars by mafia extraction from India to taleban helped 9-11 too during Indian airlines flight one new year eve hijacked from Nepal to kabul around 9-11 days.
Cards are stacked in favor of the innately and inherently Gandhian pacifist and anti-colonial indigenous population of India who seldom show natural backlash or reprisal - not alien cultures that invaded later, source of most criminality ..."

The islamists of India have had more than their fair chance to integrate and assimilate into Indian main-stream but wantonly did not because they will have to give up that colonial power flashing minority card. Also Indians fell victims to the dreamy secularism net of Gandhi and Nehru, getting lured into that deadly trap. It just so happened that these islamists were the ones who made the decisions in 1947 for themselves and accepted whatever Hindu Rashtra would entail.. Now they are letting their ugly face be seen as we see them for their unlimited greed, dishonesty and savage fascism. India does not owe the islamists anything, not even voting rights for which they have disqualified themselves by forfeiting citizenship thru their criminal activities...

The dreams of Indians on the first dawn of Aug 15th, 1947 to have a better and brighter future, had already been sealed soon to be shattered with pakki invasion of Kashmir and the materialization of the deadly trap that anti-secular Gandhi had led his fellow Hindus into, naive Hindus who trusted subverted Gandhi completely and gambled their future on the words of this single man. The nation had been viciously and insidiously put on the wrong track, set up for failure, pre-destined for chaos as predicted by the brightest of Hindu leaders like Tilak and Golwalkar. Nationalism and Secularism are under threat in many nations and you are right in saying, "Battle may soon be joined to preserve the strict separation of church and state that the founding fathers intended."

Look at the native citizens of India. While Hindus are secular, the christians and muslims are not. They dominate the political landscape via church and mosque interference. This is not it. What is more, the Hindu majority of close to 1 bil dont rule. So, there is no democracy either. Yet, we preach democracy to the Russians, Cubans..etc. What an irony!

After 800 years of alien domination and persecution, the Hindus are yet to gain autonomy and self-rule. Evangelists are running conversion carnivals and militant muslims are copying it. Hence, the local helpless citizens are suffering from social disorder besides economic instability.

Urgent steps are- * Defeat the congi thieves in the next election; * Boycott the business of slimy piglets of pakki pigs; * Skip cricket and bollywood movies; * Shun x'tian schools and colleges, to the extent possible; * Start schools for our children, if possible; * Advocate actively.

I am amazed at the repeated betrayal by the islamists allowed to stay on in India and sedition and treachery they have been indulging in, ruining her economy that is anemic and de-stabilizing the social order that is all too fragile. Another bizarre thing, there is no hope of a vote bank for or of the majority Hindus, so that they can rule themselves with their dignity and decency intact. Chances of their self-determination or self-governance seem pushed down indefinitely into an abysmal level.
Instead of the religion minded age long beneficiary, the islamists, siding with the religion minded benefactor, the Hindus, the moronic islamists are siding with the religionless/godless chinese who are their true oppressors! Isn't it Kafkaesque?


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